Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Terraslam Lite Now On ITunes

Hi Everyone,

Just in case you haven't heard Terraslam Lite is now out for the iPhone

Thanks to everyone again for their continued support.

Chris Winstanley

Friday, 1 October 2010

How to play vid

How to play

How to play video now added to youtube taking you through some of the basics of the game.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Terraslam Lite

Terraslam Lite is now finished and will be making its way to an appstore near you soon!!!

It includes 4 fully playable levels to give you a taste of what Terraslam is like.

We will be producing how to play tutorials soon so enjoy!

Monday, 13 September 2010


Terraslam is to be featured on shortly. I will post a link here. Hopefully we can pop out some interviews. I'll post back with news on any other previews, but it's looking good for now.


Saturday, 11 September 2010

Small advertising update

Was just at the o2 store in Preston, they said they'd be happy to host our game one day!

Thursday, 2 September 2010

2nd September 2010

Hey guys,

Quite a lot in the way of updates to the game. In short, all of the elements have been implemented, and you can play the game from start to finish. So basically, it's completed. A few things need to be tidied up, such as button graphics and level tweaks.

We've introduced some features, a medal system based on the score the player gets. A tutorial system for the first few levels to get the player in. Boss ships every eight levels for a bit of gameplay change. Tons of sound effects and songs created by James Southern, they really fit the game together.
Well, you'll all be able to see tuesday, it'll be playable!

There is a trailer coming too. I've been in contact with GameTrailers, the most popular trailer site, who said they'd be happy to host the trailer, so. All is well.


Sunday, 22 August 2010

Latest Developments

‎23 Levels done and an awesome level select screen to boot we're making great progress. Stay tuned for another progress video. This week we will be completing the rest of the menu screens, designing the boss levels and adding some great tunes to our game.

TriBluGames Team

Trailer Shots

Currently working on the trailer, here are a few shots. Hopefully be done soon. I'm really learning a lot through tutorials, it's fun. Lots of things are going to need tweaking, I'll have a full trailer unrendered by tuesday, if all goes to plan.


Thursday, 19 August 2010


Hey guys,

Hope you all saw the previous video. In short, development is coming along well. We've had a good week this week ,in tuesday, wednesday and thursday working 10-5, sometimes later. Damn. Thats longer than we usually spend in university.

The main aims for this week included making all of the levels and testing them. We have also put considerable effort into starting a marketing campaign. By the end of today, all of the levels (24 in total) should have been created, excluding boss levels. We've had some fun mechanics introduced, moving suns and asteroid fields and boss fights to name a few.

We've taken to advertising on facebook, a simple search of Triblugames will show up our group, currently around 80 members. The youtube channel is getting more views, and we may have a trailer on Gametrailers in the future.

I'm glad we were able to achieve our goals for this week. The levels have been a lot of work, but have been really fun to create, even when they go wrong. The goals for next week include more marketing, implementing the full menu system, the boss levels, and a professional looking trailer.

Hope you have enjoyed this update.

Jack Bulmer

Just some links:

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Progress Video 18/8

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the delay on this content had some issues with recording the touch. We have accomplished lots of things since the last video and making great progress in the game. This week we will be finishing off all the levels and the menu systems.

Thanks for watching please comment with suggestions.

TriBlu Team

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Lots of stuff done

Hi Everyone,

Sorry no development videos for a while the screen capture software I have been using wants money to go any further. We have now implemented lots of new things into the game, that we will be able to show you in a video on Friday. We will be able to show you the new stuff such as moving backgrounds, a flying ship that moves, aims and shoots fireballs on touch, gravity from planets and cool explosions. Just a note that we have welcomed a new member to our team. James Southern will be creating and designing all of the sound aspects in our game from ambient menu music to cool in game sound effects.

If you have any questions please contact the blog or email address. Can't wait to show you the teams progress on Friday.


TriBluGames Team

Monday, 9 August 2010


Hey everyone,

Thanks to Peter, the website is up.



Friday, 30 July 2010

triblugames domain names

Hey guys,

By the time you read this, both and should redirect here. I'm talking to a college friend about hosting the actual website, should be up some time next week if all goes well. It's pretty much just a placeholder for now, but it'll be nice to have somewhere to redirect people to.


Saturday, 24 July 2010


Hi Everyone,

Terraslam is our new game name. Terra (latin for earth/ground) slam we feel has good impact and it has not been taken (phew).

Thanks for all your input and help on this subject.

TriBluGames Team

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Progress Video 4

Here is the latest progress on our game, name ship screen done, level select screen done as well as a start in unity iPhone. Hope you all enjoy and comment with your opinion/ any improvements that can be made.


TriBlu Team

Tuesday, 20 July 2010


Hey Everyone,

Have just bought the domains; and Will hopefully have some sort of placeholder there by today or tomorrow at some point.


Sunday, 18 July 2010

The Name Game

Hi everyone,

We need a new name, Graviton, Cosmic Colissions and all the other ones we have come up with have been taken. Please can everyone submit their ideas and we will decide on one soon. Looking forward to see everyone at the meeting.


TriBluGames Team

Friday, 16 July 2010

Progress Video 3

Hey guys,

Another progress video, showing off the menu system and the game Engine. This looks godamn sweet.

Friday, 9 July 2010

When in space...

Adding to Jacks' post earlier, we are also pleased to release the first concept of one of the in-game vehicles!

As a game, our title currently named 'Graviton' takes place in outer space, and of course to get around in space and do other cool spacey things, you need a spaceship!

This design is the first of many we hope to produce, with interchangable textures, custom colours and perhaps some other spiffy features mixed in for good measure.

more to come guys and girls!,


Meeting July 09

Hey guys,

Had a meeting today (9th july), just finishing off the menu for the game. Most of it has been completed, we've got a main menu with a scrolling background and some elements, options, ship select and level select all in place.

Videos of these will be up soon! Amazing. Well, it looks pretty, I think so. Everyone is working hard at least!


Tuesday, 6 July 2010

New Development Video

Hi everyone,

Just a new development video after Stu and I made some pretty big changes at our work session today. We plan to have the name screen, shown in this blog, completely finished by the end of this week. Please comment if you have any suggestions they will be much appreciated.



Sunday, 4 July 2010

Progress Video

Just did a dev video just to show where we are up to sorry for the crappiness never used a video capture thingy before. Just a few shots of the menus and animation of buttons. This is not final just getting the feel of the navigations and such.
Enjoy and comment


Tuesday, 29 June 2010

New Google Calendar

Created a new google calendar for the project all meetings and deadlines will appear on here also a plan for development will appear over time and maybe accomplishments.

Meeting 29th June

Thought I would just do an update for everyone after Stu and I met today as to the current state of the project.

First point I'm back from holiday so I'm ready to start coding everything up and starting to develop the app. I'm starting by learning lots of techniques to design the app and practicing them on the iPhone SDK. I already have quite a few applications designed.

This has been decided before but I will just put it on the blog the name of the game has been changed from Cosmic Collisions to Graviton there is also a new logo that I like designed by Jack (included in the post) hopefully this one will not be copyrighted again.

Stu and I just went through some of the design concepts that have been set up. In the dropbox all files need to be placed into more meaningful folder names and the filenames need to explain exactly what the contents are so they are unique also it's helpful when coding if all images have no spaces and start with a lowercase letter e.g "starsBackground.png".

The iphones screen size is 320px width by 480px height so all background images etc need to be this size and app icons are 72px by 72px.

This week Stu and I will be trying to create a mock up of the menu screens in an app and try to more or less get the design of them finished.

Hope this helps


Saturday, 19 June 2010

First Post


So we just got the blog up and running. I'll be sure to link everyone that we need. Hopefully this will keep everyone up to date about our group (Blue team) and our game, Cosmic Collision.

We've had a lot of meetings and we've boiled our game down to the core elements, so now we're in the process of making all of the art assets. Nice timing, since the programmer is away. We even came up with a jazzy company name. Awesome huh. The game is looking good. We're loving the style that's coming on and will be sure to post pictures shortly.

Thats all for an introduction for now!

Blue Team